2021 Sabres Junior Tryout Information

2021 Sabres Junior Tryout Information

Registrations for 2021 Sabres Junior tryouts are now closed.

Sabres tryouts are subject to Victorian State Government announcements on easing restrictions and guidelines. They will provide us with unique challenges in terms of court availability and tryout structure and process. We ask all families to remain patient as we work through the task of seeing the players on court and selecting teams.

Note: A reminder that parents are not permitted inside the stadium during tryouts.

2021 Sabres Boys Tryout Schedule:
Under 12 8.00am – 9.30am (Saturday 28th of November / Saturday 5th of December / Saturday 12th of December / Saturday 19th of December)
Under 14 Boys 10.00am – 11.30am (Saturday 28th of November / Saturday 5th of December / Saturday 12th of December / Saturday 19th of December)
Under 16 Boys 12 noon – 1.30pm (Saturday 28th of November / Saturday 5th of December / Saturday 12th of December / Saturday 19th of December)
Under 18 Boys 2.00pm – 3.30pm (Saturday 28th of November / Saturday 5th of December / Saturday 12th of December / Saturday 19th of December)

2021 Sabres Girls Tryout Schedule:
Under 12 Girls 8.00am – 9.30am (Sunday 29th of November / Sunday 6th of December / Sunday 13th of December / Sunday 20th of December)
Under 14 Girls 10.00am – 11.30am (Sunday 29th of November / Sunday 6th of December / Sunday 13th of December / Sunday 20th of December)
Under 16 Girls 12 noon – 1.30pm (Sunday 29th of November / Sunday 6th of December / Sunday 13th of December / Sunday 20th of December)
Under 18 Girls 2.00pm – 3.30pm (Sunday 29th of November / Sunday 6th of December / Sunday 13th of December / Sunday 20th of December)