hearts4heart x Lamble

Their Story

On April 23rd 2023, we suddenly and tragically lost our dad and husband Stephen Lamble to a heart disease he didn’t know he had. Ischaemic Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in Australia and yet, like many, we didn’t know what it was until we received his cause of death. Stephen was a proud, loving and supportive husband and father who spent many years of Friday nights at SBA for his two kids Imogen and Blake.

As guidelines stand, Steve’s age, active lifestyle and general good health precluded him from tests that could have alerted him. The only heart disease symptom he had was heartburn 2 weeks prior to his passing and a simple calcium score could’ve saved his life.

Sip & Support: hearts4heart Charity Night

We don’t want Stephen to be another tragic statistic of Ischaemic Heart Disease. So, on Saturday Feburary 3rd 2024 we are hosting a charity night called ‘Sip & Support: hearts4heart Charity Night’ to raise money for hearts4heart and fight against heart disease. All profits made from this event will go to the organisation to change heart health checks in Australia to stop what happened to our family from happening to yours. Buy a ticket and join us at Black Rock Yacht Club to help us raise awareness and make change, together with hearts4heart by purchasing some tickets and having a great night out.

The Southern Basketball Association (SBA) and it’s members are proud to offer it’s support to such a worthy cause. We lost a valuable member of our Basketball community when Steve suddenly passed in April 2023 and any help that we can provide for the Lamble family is the least we can do.

Phil McFarlane
SBA President

Ticket Link: https://www.trybooking.com/CNWPR