The shooting machines are back in action at the SBA. Currently located on Court 4 the Cage is intended for use by the whole SBA community: SBA junior and senior domestic players, SBA junior and senior domestic teams and our Sabres junior and senior individuals and teams.

It is a fun, affordable way for our players from all parts of our SBA community to work on their game and improve their skills!

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One of the excellent features of the Dr Dish CT is that it allows you to pre-program your own shooting workout. You can focus on the types of shots you want to get in the spots you want to get them! You can program shooting different types of shots, the areas on the court you want to shoot your shots from and the number of shots you want to take in each spot. You could have a volume workout where you are getting a lot of shots from a number of different spots or a more varied workout where you are shooting a variety of different shots. You can focus your workout on the fundamentals, or concentrate more on offensive concepts!

One of the great tools on the Dr Dish shooting machines is the ability to track the number of shots you are taking during your workout. The interactive display will be able to show you the number of shots you have taken and count your makes and your misses. With your login, your shots statistics for each workout can be saved and you can track your individual progress through your shooting workouts.

With our new Dr Dish shooting machines, the SBA Directors of Coaching have the ability to put together pre-programmed workouts for individuals and for teams. This is a great way for all SBA players to work on the areas of shooting that need the most attention. It doesn’t matter if it’s shooting off the dribble, shooting off the move, catch and shoot mid-range, catch and shoot 3s of shooting closer to the basket, all types of shots can be covered in a workout.

Using the HomeCourt App in one of our two ball—handling stations is a great way to punch out an interactive 30 minute ball-handling workout. Players can see themselves on the TV screen completing the workout as they are put through their paces by the App. The HomeCourt App allows players to test themselves against ball-handling benchmarks set by professional NBA and WNBA stars.

Our integrated booking system allows for a fast and easy access to see if there are courts available and when you can book them. From there you can simply pay online and turn up to start using the machine.

As we launch our new SBA Training Court – The Cage – the SBA is providing some answers to all of our member questions.

Q             How many people can be on a shooting machine at once?

A             Up to four ​players at the same time can use each machine. The cost per machine per hour is $30.

Q             How many shots can I shoot in an hour?

A             You can shoot as many shots as you can get up!  Professionals can get upwards of 800 shots in an hour. Some junior may get around 250.

Q             Who is allowed to book the shooting machines?

A             All the machines are available for all Southern Basketball Association members.

Q             Will someone be able to assist me in starting the shooting machine?

A             Yes, we will have a coach court-side to assist all players.

Q             Can I enter my details into the shooting machine?

A             Yes, you can log all of your workouts by entering your phone number and creating your own account. You can keep track of your workouts this way.

Q             How old do I have to be to book a shooting machine in The Cage?

A             You need to be playing in our Under 12 competition or above. The balls come out quickly and the nets are high to promote a high shooting arc. They are designed this way to improve your shooting technique.